Level 17 (Blinds 3,000/6,000/1,000)
Players Remaining: 76
Chip Average: 305,000
The action at Table 54 was picked up on the flop (5♣ J♠ 2♠), with a 40,000 bet from Saraidarov Semyon. Sean Wallace flatted the bet, and Eugene Zaslavsky shoved for 155,000. Mike Linster raised it to 300,000, and after some thought both Semyon and Wallace folded behind.
Linster asked Eugene if he had a jack, but found out that Zaslavsky flopped a set of fives. Linster had the 5♠ 6♠ (Semyon said he folded K♠ Q♠) and would turn the flush, sending Eugene home and chipping up over 1,100,000 after the river ran clean.
Mike Linster - 1,100,000
In Other News:
- Mike Azzarro busts early in the level as his 44 < 99 of Joe Gradowski
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